Rat a Tat Cat
Rat a Tat Cat is a fun little number and memory card game by Gamewright. It is for 2-6 players and says age 6 and up but as long as your kid can understand that 0 is less then 10, and maybe do basic sums but that isn't totally necessary, then they can probably play this game. There are even rules for younger kids vs. older kids or adults.
Game Play
In Rat a Tat Cat you want to have your cards equal the smallest number total. When you think you have all the lowest cards you are going to get you tap the table and say "rat a tat cat" and everyone has to stop and turn over their cards, the person with the lowest sum of their cards wins.
First the players all receive four face down cards (in a younger person game the two outside cards are face up). Players are only allowed to look at the two outside cards (so in a younger player game no one looks at the middle cards just yet). You are allowed to look at the two outside cards anytime you want, but if you change your inside two cards you must remember what they were as you aren't ever allowed to look at those.
On your turn you draw a card from the top either of the draw tile or from the discard pile. Then you decide if you want to replace a card from your four in front of you. For example if my two outside cards were a 3 and a 9 and there was a 3 on the discard pile, I would probably replace my 9 with that 3. Or I might even risk that one of my inside cards is higher then a 3 so trade that for one I don't see until I turn it over onto the discard pile (I have definitely discarded a 0 this way :-( )
As I said previously when you think you have the lowest total sum you tap the table and the game comes to an abrupt end. It is a bit of a racing game too. There are special cards like Peek and Swap that allow you to do other exciting things to your cards (like peek or swap with another player) but honestly you could play the game without them and it would still be really enjoyable. I think Peek and Swap just at a bit extra to an otherwise great little memory card game.
If you can't tell already I do like this game. Its quick and simple and doesn't take up lots of space. I would take this with us on holiday because it also doesn't require a ton of space to play either. My son loves doing the simple maths in his head and has gotten much better at that as we play. The only thing I dislike about this game is that it is basically a deck of cards in a box with a plastic insert - but I have written to Gamewright about my minor grievance (and they basically ignored me) and well everything can't be perfect. I also understand about wanting shelf presence and that Gamewright is an American company and things there seemed to be packaged unnecessarily larger...seriously why!
Aside from my little eco rant I do really like this game and there is a lot of math fun to have in it. Plus I enjoy the race element with my son. It doesn't feel stressful like a normal racing game where he can see that I might be ahead of him and therefore gets frustrated. As so much information is secret until someone taps the table it can really be a surprise who will win.
As always you can get this from your Friendly Local Game Store - I know mine sells it - and online from most games retailers.
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