Over time I will add to this list and do a blog on each individual game - as well as add games to it. But for now here are my favourites for various ages. Please remember this is just my opinion. I am not paid by any of these companies to give a good blog review and I am just stating which of these games work for us at these ages, as well as which ones worked with our friends kids at older ages. The name in brackets is the company name.
Top 6 for Under 6s
- Space Planets (Haba)
- Serpentina
Top 5 for any age
- Omm Nom Nom (Brain Games)
Top 6 for over 6s
- Kindomino (Blue Orange)
- City of Zombies (Thinknoodle Games)
Current Favourites during Lockdown:
- Sleeping Queens
- Geistes Blitz Junior (Zoch)
- Rat at Tat Cat
- Splendor
- Ticket to Ride London
- Labyrinth (Ravensburger)
- Tiny Park (Haba)
Just other fantastic games that haven't made it to my top 5s
- Rhino Hero (Haba)
- Rat a Tat Cat (Gamewright)
- Farmini (Loki)
- Monster Match Game (North Star Games)
- Rhino Hero (Haba)
- Rat a Tat Cat (Gamewright)
- Farmini (Loki)
- Monster Match Game (North Star Games)
- Tempurrra
- Kerplunk
- Top Trumps
- Dancing Eggs
- Machi Koro
- Sushi Go
- Feed the Bear
- Pharaoh Gulo Gulo
- Post Office Game (Orchard Toys)
- Snake Oil
- Monza
- Rush Hour Jr
- Jungle Speed
- Magic Labyrinth
- Magic Labyrinth
- Aramini Circus (train circus)
- Qwirkle
- Terror in Meeple City
- Bananagrams
- Ice Cool
- King of Tokyo
- Forbidden Island
- Forbidden Island
- Happy Salmon
- Castle Panic
- Petits Magicians (Haba)
- Dragon Realm (Gamewright)
- No thank you, Evil - kids roleplaying game
- Zombie Dice
- Dragon Realm (Gamewright)
- No thank you, Evil - kids roleplaying game
- Zombie Dice
Very useful list thank you! Buying for a 10 year old. I got him rhino hero and cobra paw after some help from Eclectic Games! Thanks again! Charlotte
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment I am glad you found stuff that will work. I love Cobra Paw and Rhino Hero - those are perfect for a 10 year old. If you need something after those quick fun ones definitely check out Forbidden Desert (or Forbidden Island), Splendor or Ticket to Ride. Those three are longer games but worth looking into as well :-)